It's a fictional streetscape we wander, here, a metropolis whose buildings, boulevards, and back alleys are in a constant state of flux. This is every place, and yet, no place at all - a city of dreams and a dream of a city.

Here, we explore the life and work of Ivan Illich and his circle of collaborators. There's no comprehensive index to the articles published, but we invite you to use the Search box, to the left, and to explore the Archive links that appear at the bottom of each page. Comments are welcomed.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Actualité d'Ivan Illich

Under the title "Actualité d'Ivan Illich," a French journal called Esprit recently published nine articles pertaining to Illich. Several are translations of papers previously published in English and German. The first article, an introduction by Jean Robert et Thierry Paquot, is available for downloading at no charge. A fee - exactly how much, we're not sure - is charged for the others, though the first page of each is available gratis.


Actualité d'Ivan Illich

Jean Robert et Thierry Paquot
Introduction. Monument ou chantier ?
L'héritage intellectuel d'Ivan Illich (1926-2002)

1. Construction et autocritique d'une œuvre

Denis Clerc
Un penseur "contre-productif" ?

Barbara Duden
Illich, seconde période

Jean Robert
Les instruments d'un pouvoir sur autrui

Ivan Illich
Le texte et l'université : idée et histoire d'une institution unique

2. Anticipations et resonances

Sajay Samuel
Le rôle des professions

Silvia Grünig Iribarren
Promenades et questions d'une urbaniste

Silja Samerski et Ivan Illich
Critique de la pensée du risque

Ivan Illich
L'énergie, un objet social

Illich's work has appeared in Esprit since the 1960s, it turns out. Esprit is offering a set of all the articles by and about Illich that it has published for 50 Euros. This includes three editions from the 1970s that are largely devoted to Illich.

On page 120 of the book Ivan Illich in Conversation, Illich notes that it was Esprit's publisher, Jean Domenach, who suggested that he study Japanese as way to gain distance from the Western society he wished to dissect. Evidently, Illich tried but, he told David Cayley, "I found out that my brain was already too used up. I couldn't do it" - an artifact of age that we ourselves have come to know only too well.

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Santa Rosa, California, United States
Writer, photographer, music fan; father and husband living in northern Calif.