It's a fictional streetscape we wander, here, a metropolis whose buildings, boulevards, and back alleys are in a constant state of flux. This is every place, and yet, no place at all - a city of dreams and a dream of a city.

Here, we explore the life and work of Ivan Illich and his circle of collaborators. There's no comprehensive index to the articles published, but we invite you to use the Search box, to the left, and to explore the Archive links that appear at the bottom of each page. Comments are welcomed.

Friday, February 04, 2011

"CIDOC was a magic place"

A seemingly complete, 15-page chapter of Dr. Martina Kaller-Dietrich's 2008 biography, Ivan Illich (1926-2002); Sein Leben, sein Denken [his life, his thought], is available on the Web as a PDF download - here. It's written in German, which means that we, as non-speakers, are, alas, unable to make much sense of it. But we have connections, as they say, and we are trying our best to arrange for an informal translation.

Dr. Kaller-Dietrich is a professor at the University of Vienna. She's deputy head of the History Dept. She's also on the editoral board of The International Journal of Ivan Illich Studies.




Here is her book's table of contents, with page numbers:


Einleitung 2

Zur Methode 10

Forschungsstand 13


1 berufen– Entwurzelung, Flucht, Gelübde 15

1.1 Kindheit und Jugendjahre in Wien 16

1.2 Ausbildung in Italien 24

1.3 Intermezzo in Salzburg 26

1.4 Seelsorger in New York 29

1.5 Erziehungsreformer in Puerto Rico 36


2 empört – Bekenntnis, Zweifel, Zerwürfnis 42

2.1 Die Allianz für den Fortschritt 43

2.2 Gründung des Centro Intercultural de Documentación in Cuernavaca 49

2.3 Illich vor dem Heiligen Offizium 60

2.4 Schlussstrich unter die Causa Cuernavaca 68

2.5 Pacem in Terris: Medellín und die Rebellion von 1968 70

2.6 „CIDOC was a magic place“ 86


3 berühmt: Entschulung, Expertenherrschaft und Kontraproduktivität 101

3.1 Illich öffentlich 106

3.2 Politik und Freiheit 112

3.3 Illich und die Frauen 121


4 leibhaftig – Lehrer, Freund, Christ 139

4.1 Die Verderbnis des Besten 139

4.2 Sinne und System 144

4.3 Pionier des Un-Sinns 148


5 Illich heute lesen? 153

Literaturverzeichnis 155

Quellen 165

Anhang: Die Schriften am Zentru 166

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Santa Rosa, California, United States
Writer, photographer, music fan; father and husband living in northern Calif.